Welcome to TildeNIC
TildeNIC is where you can request your .tilde top level domain. To do so, you need to first change your DNS over to one of the resolvers we offer, or you can self-host one.
OpenNIC Information
Domains offered by OpenNIC are also able to be resolved using our servers, such as:
- .geek
- .bbs
- .gopher and more.
TildeNIC Available DNS Servers
- ns1 - IPv4:, IPv6: 2607:5300:201:3100::93c2, Location: Quebec, Canada - Online
- ns2 - IPv4:, IPv6: 2607:5300:203:31b6::115, Location: Quebec, Canada - Offline
- ns3 - IPv4:, IPv6: 2604:2dc0:101:200::54aa, Location: Virginia, US - Online
- ns4 - IPv4:, IPv6: 2604:2dc0:202:300::1d54, Location: Oregon, US - Online